Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sambucus canadensis (Elderberry)

If a leeks are a comfort of winter, elderberries are the quintessence of late summer. Ripe clusters of the the fruit weigh down S. canadensis's flexible branches when the evenings first turn crisp in late summer.

Their relative abundance in August and September makes elderberries a perennial favorite of wine makers. To my mind, it is also well worth the effort to put some away in a simple preserve. Few foods call up the flavors of summer on a cold winter's day better than elderberry preserve.

I was reminded of that this morning at breakfast as a I smeared yogurt, elderberry preserve, and syrup on my waffles. We're staying with friends who have both elderberry bushes and a waffle maker. I'm jealous on both counts.

Chloe always puts away several quart jars of elderberry preserve. Here's her recipe.

Note: Elderberries are not always easy find in the supermarket. I have better luck at farmers' markets.

Chloe's Elderberry Jam

4 cups mashed elderberries
2 tsp Pomona Pectin
1/3 cup raw honey
4 tsp calcium water (comes in the pectin package)

1. Bring fruit and calcium water to a boil.

2. Mix pectin powder with honey. Add to fruit and return to a boil. Simmer 10 to 20 minutes.

3. Remove from heat. Pour into sterilized jars. Cap with sterilized lids.

4. Boil in a water bath for 10 minutes.

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