Monday, January 16, 2012

Annona cherimola (Cherimoya)

The grocery store's product tag describes cherimoyas as having a “complex flavor that combines elements of banana and pineapple.” Having tried – and enjoyed – its close relative A. muricata (soursop), I thought I'd given A. cherimola a try.

Cherimoyas, like soursops, are native to the New World. They grow throughout much of Latin America and parts of the United States. The cherimoya I got came from California. It suffered a little it on the journey to the Maine. And it suffered a bit more on the trip back to my house from the grocery store. Cherimoyas' skins are thinner and less leathery that soursops'. The fruit is also juicier. Neither of these characteristics helped it survive being wedged under a carton of milk.

The bruising - squashing, really - did little to damage the flavor, though. In my opinion, it definitely lived up to its supermarket description. It was juicier and richer than the soursop. I slurped it up with a spoon. Kind of like a pina colada in a peel. Yum.

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